Bullets Per Minute
Some of your favorite Brave Frontier tracks now playable in a FPS Rhythm Game!
Featured Tracks
Featured Tracks
How To Install/Play
Ownership of Bullets Per Minute is required!
1. Navigate to "Bullets Per Minute" in your steam library.
2. Right Click "Bullets Per Minute" and select "Properties...".
3. Select "Installed Files" from the menu then select "Browse".
4. Navigate through WindowsNoEditor > BPM > Custom Soundtrack.
5. Download and Open Brave Frontier Music ZIP. Pack.
6. Replace all Folders in "CustomSoundtrack" with those in ZIP Pack.
7. Launch "Bullets Per Minute" and Navigate to the Game Options.
8. Select Audio, Then enable the function, "Custom Soundtrack".
9. Enjoy! Start shooting away to your favorite Brave Frontier Tracks!
Select Which Song You'd Like To Replace
Repeat Step 4 in the "How To Install" and replace that levels music file with the New Song