Update v0.10 has been revealed! What content awaits!
Brave Frontier Re:Coded: Update v0.10

What is Update v0.10?
Update v0.10 is a big milestone, not only for us, but for the community as well.
To celebrate, we have 10 things we would like to share with you all.
Can we Download
BF Re:Coded v0.10?
Sorry to say, but not quite yet. We're still in the process of building our foundations.
When we are ready and able to present the community with this info we will do so.

We didn't forget! We've just been hard at work!
We're sure you've all been curious as to what we've been working on behind the scenes for so long.
Today is the day!
We are happy to Announce our Website Re-Boot! All of our site's tabs have now opened!
Brave Frontier Re:Coded Logo Reveal

10 Updates later, It's time to make ourselves formal
Thanks to the help of Art Lead, Eli, Re:Coded now has an Official Logo.
But she has also gone upon herself to take it a step further in this update.
New Logo For The Project Going Forward
Monthly Update Thumbnail Reveal
It's not just the site getting a touch up
Thanks to Art Lead, Eli's passionate interest in Update v0.10
They believed it was time for the Thumbnails in our (MUVs) to also get the same treatment.
All Monthly Update Videos will now have our new Thumbnail.
All Previous Monthly Update Videos have been updated with our new Thumbnail.
Re:Coded Exclusive Units Teaser
Never before seen content, By you the community!
As we continue building the foundations of Re:Coded, Summoners wonder...
Will we ever see Custom Content? Community Content? Exclusive Content?
Yes. We are currently in the development of 2 New Events, featuring 2 New Units.
2 New Events in Development
2 New Units in Development
"PAPS" Reveal
Player Account Progression System. It needed adjusting.
In the Original Brave Frontier, we saw a lot that needed to be improved in the ways players progressed.
Our new "PAPS" is showing to be both effective in providing players with both an engaging and balanced experience not only for new players but for returning veterans of the series who aim for 999 again.
Energy Rework
Cost Rework
Friends Rework
Unit Slots Rework
Item Slots Rework
Arena Orb Rework
Raid Orb Rework
Summoning Rework
Evolution Rework
Brave Frontier 1 x Brave Frontier 2 Merge Teaser
Past and Present Collide for one Ultimate Experience
In our New Era, Re:Coded will host both versions of our beloved heroes.
You can look at our Victory Animations to view The Six Heroes in both their Brave Frontier 1 and 2 forms.
All missing Brave Frontier 2 Heroes will be added starting in the Unit List of #2000.
(BF2) Heroes already included below #2000 will keep their current Unit I.D.
New Quality of life project: Victory Animation Reveal
Victory Animations Make A Return, but for all Characters
Brave Frontier 2 had a huge Quality of Life feature called Victory Animations.
In Re:Coded we aim to Restore all previous Victory Animations as well as make new ones.
Re:Coded Exclusive Victory Animation for Vargas (BF1)
Re:Coded Exclusive Victory Animation for Selena (BF1)
Re:Coded Exclusive Victory Animation for Lance (BF1)
Re:Coded Exclusive Victory Animation for Eze (BF1)
Re:Coded Exclusive Victory Animation for Atro (BF1)
Re:Coded Exclusive Victory Animation for Magress (BF1)
Localization Becomes Recoded
The Gates of Language are being opened!
It's time for a new team to be made. The Gates of Languages have been opened.
All languages now available for both Past and Present Monthly Update Videos
Do you have a Language you would like to see be supported by the Re:Coded team? Submit an Application Below!
Rough roadmap of milestones; subject to change at any time
We should emphasize that this is not a promise of when to deliver, but a tentatively planned order.
The names of each milestone are somewhat arbitrary and subject to change.
Foundational Milestone: Ability to complete the tutorial quest from the start screen to the battle completion screen (we are eventually leading up to here)
Support for majority of animation types both in and out of battle...
To check out the full list, please click the button bellow.
Time to put
everything together
The Finale: v0.10 Gameplay Update.
What does all of our work put together look like?